Home POLITICS Ruto meets With Omtata After giving him headache in court 

Ruto meets With Omtata After giving him headache in court 

Ruto meets With Omtata After giving him headache in court 

Ruto meets With Omtata After giving him headache in court



Indeed there is nothing personal between politicians, this was evident when President Ruto met with Okiya Omtatah in the Bunge towers, they laughed and hugged each other, causing other members of parliament who were present to also break into laughter. Okiya Omtatah has being giving the government sleepless nights, through court battles.

Any move taken by the government, that does not seat well with the rest of the public, Okiya Omtatah has always being at the forefront defending Kenyan Citizens by taking the government to court.

This move by Omtatah has seen many government projects barred from taking place, due to court orders blocking them, for example, the finance bill, the housing project that were bared from taking place due to orders issued by the courts.

This has made the president come out very exasperated against Okiya Omtatah, at one point he said something that did not seat well with the public, making Omtatah to be worried of his life and safety.

President Ruto’s Sword remarks, that he said against Okiya Omtatah and the rest of human activists, who had a tendency of going to court to block his agendas through court orders, made Omtatah to openly lament and be worried of his safety.

But when they bumped at each other at the Bunge towers, there were smiles and laughter all over as they hugged each other.

President Ruto went ahead to cause more laughter in the room, by referring to him as “Senator Matata” meaning the stubborn senator.


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