TSC New Duties And Responsibilities Of senior Teacher 1(C2) and senior Teacher 2 (C 3)
The Teachers Service Commission, TSC, established 36 job groups for teachers under the current Collective Bargaining Agreement, CBA.
The placement of the teachers in the various job groups is guided by the Career Progression Guidelines developed by the TSC. The Career Progression Guidelines place the teachers in two categories; the Administrators and the classroom teachers/Non- administrators.
Duties And Responsibilities Of Senior Teacher II (C2)
- Prepare lesson plans, lesson notes, timetables, schemes of work and maintain academic standards in the school to ensure that the syllabus is covered in time for evaluation
- Teach the subjects of specialization to impart knowledge and skills to the learners
- Valuate the learners on subjects of specialization and prepare them for national and other examinations
- Embrace teamwork through collaborative planning and teaching to ensure consistency and improvement in curriculum delivery
- Serve as a role model and maintain learner discipline to create a conducive environment for learning;
- Provide guidance and counseling services to learners to instill norms and values for harmonious co-existence
- Organise workshops/seminars/symposiums to share ideas and further knowledge in subject areas
- Organize remedial actions to support learners with performance gaps.
- Collect, collate, and maintain all school records such as; enrolment, teaching and learning resources, evaluation records, attendance registers
- Organise and coordinate school-based in-service programs to build teachers’ capacity for improved teaching and learning
- Coordinate gender mainstreaming issues for teachers and learners in curricular and co-curricular activities such as sports to ensure gender equity, equitable participation, and maximization of the potential of teachers and learners
- Ensure discipline in school and arbitrate disputes among learners
- Supervise cleanliness of the school compound and ensure learners are tidy; and Serve as secretary to the school disciplinary committee.
- Serve as secretary to the school disciplinary committee
Duties And Responsibilities Of A Senior Teacher 1 (C3)
- Prepare lesson plans, lesson notes, timetables, schemes of work and maintain academic standards in the school to ensure that the syllabus is covered in time for evaluation
- Teach subjects of specialization to impart knowledge, skills, and attitudes to learners
- Evaluate learners in subjects of specialization and prepare them for national and other examinations
- Introduce new ideas and programs for improvement in teaching and learning in subjects of specialization
- Collect, collate, and maintain all school records such as enrolment, teaching, and learning resources, evaluation records, and attendance registers.
- Organise and coordinate school-based in-service programs to upgrade teacher’s knowledge and skills for improved teaching and learning
- Organise school-based and zonal subject panels to facilitate
- sharing of knowledge, innovations, and new trends
- Coordinate gender mainstreaming issues for teachers and learners in curricular and co-curricular activities such as sports to ensure gender equity, equitable participation, and maximization of the potential of teachers and learners
- Ensure discipline in school is maintained and arbitrate any disputes
- Supervise the cleanliness of the school compound and ensure the learners are tidy
- Serve as secretary to the school disciplinary committee.
- Embrace teamwork through collaborative planning and teaching to ensure consistency and improvement in curriculum delivery
- Serve as a role model and maintain learner discipline to create a conducive environment for learning
- Provide guidance and counseling services to the learners and instill norms and values for harmonious co-existence
- Initiate curriculum development process, its implementation, and evaluation to ensure it is relevant and achievable in schools
- Interpret the curriculum in all subjects to ensure effective teaching and learning;
- Organise workshops/seminars/symposiums to share ideas and further knowledge in subject areas.
- Organize remedial actions to support learners with performance gaps