Home TCS UPDATES TSC To Suspend Teachers Transfers And Leaves,,Here is why.

TSC To Suspend Teachers Transfers And Leaves,,Here is why.

TSC To Suspend Teachers Transfers And Leaves,,Here is why.

TSC To Suspend Teachers Transfers And Leaves,,Here is why.


The Teachers Service Commission (TSC) has temporarily suspended teacher transfers and leaves to allow planning and administration of the 2023 national exams.

The decision comes as preparations are ongoing on how teachers will invigilate and supervise the Kenya Certificate of Primary Education (KCPE), Kenya Primary School Education Assessment (KPSEA), and Kenya Certificate of Secondary Education (KCSE).

Around 1,415,315 candidates will sit for the KCPE exam, while another 903,260 will take the KCSE test. A total of 1,282,574 Grade Six learners will also sit for KPSEA.

However, TSC plans to resume the mass transfer of teachers with suitable replacements in December this year provided suitable replacements are available

In August, Education Cabinet Ezekiel Machogu revealed that some 26,871 teachers are yet to be transferred back to their home counties due to a lack of suitable placements. Nevertheless, the TSC intends to recommence widespread teacher transfers in December, contingent upon the availability of suitable substitutes

As of June 30, some 46,926 primary and secondary school teachers had requested to be transferred back to their home counties, but only 20,055 were transferred back. Mr. Machogu said the TSC will ensure that the station the teacher is leaving has a suitable replacement and that the station to which the teacher has applied for transfer has a vacancy.

“This will enable the commission to ensure equitable distribution and optimal utilization of teachers across the country for the benefit of all learners. The transfer policy has already been reversed. It is no longer in place,” he said in response to a question from Nandi Senator Samson Cherargey on the status of the delocalization policy.

Education CS noted that TSC, in the exercise of its mandate to transfer and post teachers, has “to ensure equitable distribution and optimal utilization of teachers in all public basic education institutions to ensure that learners throughout the country have access to quality education as required by Article 43 of the Constitution”.

He added that TSC had introduced delocalization which teachers were transferred to schools outside their place of origin- to promote national cohesion and integration, prevent conflict of interest in the management of schools, and address teacher shortages in some parts of the country.

“Teachers who wish to be considered for transfer from one institution to another must submit a request. The transfer of teachers from one institution to another will be guided by the need for equitable distribution and optimum utilization of teachers,” the CS said.

Other criteria include the availability of vacancies in the proposed station, the need for replacement, existing staffing norms, medical reasons, or other reasons that the TSC may consider.

Machogu said once a teacher applies for a transfer to a county of his or her choice, it is the responsibility of TSC to ensure that there are suitable vacancies, replacements, and a balance of staff across the country before the transfer is approved.


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