Home NEWS Unregistered Graduates/ Employees To Be Barred From Government Jobs.

Unregistered Graduates/ Employees To Be Barred From Government Jobs.

Unregistered Graduates/ Employees To Be Barred From Government Jobs.

Unregistered Graduates/ Employees To Be Barred From Government Jobs.



PSC (Public Service Commission) issues new guidelines to bar unregistered government employees from state jobs 

Before being permitted to work in state agencies and universities, all government employees will soon be required to register with statutory bodies and professional bodies.

The Public Service Commission (PSC) announced on Thursday, August 10, that statutory registration will be a prerequisite for public servants in state agencies and universities in a 20-page guideline for the development and revision of human resource management.

Some of the statutory bodies in the country include the Engineers Board of Kenya, the Media Council of Kenya (MCK), and the Law Society of Kenya (LSK) among others.

In accordance with the new regulation, graduates seeking employment in government must first register with statutory and professional organizations related to their fields of study.

This means that besides other requirements like HELB and EACC clearance certificates, graduates will now have to part with additional costs to cover registration and annual renewal fees to the statutory bodies.

PSC has also announced new changes in the guideline including having clear, precise, and concise job descriptions in all employees’ contracts.

Key skills, competencies, aptitudes, attitudes, and key competencies in accordance with the competency framework will be detailed for all employees.

“In developing Career Guidelines, State Corporations shall ensure that the guidelines contain required academic and professional qualifications, work experience and performance standards,” the guidelines state.

“However, for advancement to higher grades, all officers will be required to possess the prescribed minimum qualifications and experience required for promotion to the grade.”

PSC has further directed the state agencies to draft a human resource manual that will encompass the obligations of the employees and employers towards each other.

The manuals will contain details of salaries, allowances, and terminal benefits among others.

The manuals should be developed in consultation with employees, trade unions, and other employee representatives and boards.

“PSC shall consider and approve the Human Resource Management Instruments with a provision that any other comments/concerns be raised with the Commission 60 days from the date of the decision,” PSC stated


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