295 acres for public utilities
Nairobi Governor Johnson Sakaja wanted to use over 300 acres of public utility land to expand Nairobi, but it has been taken.
Now, he could have to let the situation slip unless he starts a repossession war with the strong grabbers, many of whom are in government and private industry.
Through his county secretary and the head of the public service, Mr. Sakaja requested that the Embakasi Ranching Company Ltd. use the 295 acres in the Kasarani constituency for its intended objectives in a letter dated April 13, 2023.
We want you to turn over all public utility properties that were set aside in the sub division of Nairobi/Block 105 since we are charged with the duty of delivering a variety of services to residents, according to the letter, in part.
295 acres for public utilities
The following sentence appears in another section: “You are requested to avail (sic) yourself with the information to the office of the Chief Officer — Urban Development and Planning by April 19, 2023 at 2pm.”
In response, the ranching firm stated in a letter dated April 18, 2023, through its chairman James Njoroge, “We are in entire agreement as board of directors that we are host to 295 acres in that block 105 and that the land belongs to the public.
The largest problem we face in fulfilling your request, Mr. Njoroge continued, is that all of those acres are now owned by private individuals because they were taken.
The chairman continued by saying that the Nairobi City County Government had received a thorough report in 2015 listing the number of acres that had been illegally taken as well as the identities of those responsible. The report from Embakasi Ranching also listed the title deed numbers that were utilized fraudulently.
Mr. Njoroge continued, “and we made copies to the President, Attorney-General, Commissioner of Lands, Transparency International, Ethics and Anti-Corruption Commission, Directorate of Criminal Investigations..” The report was created in response to the governor’s office making a similar request.