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Former President Uhuru Sued

Former President Uhuru Sued

Former President Uhuru Sued

In a letter to the Political Parties Disputes Tribunal (PPDT), former nominated member of parliament Hassan Osman asks the court to prevent former president Uhuru Kenyatta from holding the Jubilee Party National Delegates Conference on May 22, 2023.


The former lawmaker, who is a member of the Jubilee Party, has expressed worries that the meeting is improper and illegal and would weaken the party.


Additionally, he claims that the two opposing factions, one led by Kenyatta, Jeremiah Kioni, and Kagwe Gichohi, and the other by Sabina Chege and Kanini Kega, have attempted to create the party’s constitution, membership, and leadership in an unconstitutional, illegal, and improper manner.

According to the certificate of urgency, Hassan Osman asks the court to halt the NDC, noting the party branches’ lack of activity at the moment and the difficulty in obtaining party documentation, which raises concerns that outsiders could attend the conference of delegates.


The court hasn’t made a decision yet.

Former President Uhuru Sued

Kega, he added, had written a letter to the Registrar of Political Parties requesting to be provided with various documents to ascertain party leadership. With ongoing leadership wrangles, the MP argued that it would be prudent to call off any NDC until the matter is resolved.


Prior to the NDC taking place, Osman also demanded the Jubilee Party membership register, minutes of the last NDC and records of disbursements of funds for years 2021/22 and 2022/23 publicised.


On April 26, Uhuru showed up at the Jubilee headquarters in Kileleshwa, Nairobi, after the Kioni and Kega factions sought control of the party.


“Anyone who wants to leave a party can join another. We have no quarrel with anyone. We want to guard our party, and those who do not want, are free to leave,” stated Uhuru.


Later, he wrote to the registrar seeking to remove Kega and Chege as party members. The two had orchestrated a plot to oust him as party leader, with Sabina Chege taking charge.

Former President sued


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