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TSC Releases Updated Allowances

TSC Releases Updated Allowances

TSC Releases Updated Allowances

 TSC Releases Updated Allowances. 2023–2024 TSC New Teacher Allowances. The teachers’ allowances are periodically updated by TSC. Teachers who are promoted benefit from better compensation.


Your job group often dictates how much in allowances you get. The Career Progression Guidelines (CPG) are used to assign these job groupings.

So you should know that the allowances paid to teachers are not uniform. These allowances are not paid separately but alongside your monthly salary.

You should be aware that your allowances are determined by a variety of criteria. For instance;types of stipends funded by TSC

1. Reimbursable Compensation


These allowances come in two varieties, namely:



who were compensated at application

Automatic allowances include:


Medical benefits – these are not given to teachers directly; instead, they are transmitted to the healthcare provider AoN Minet and the NHIF.

dwelling allowance

Hardship compensation

commuter compensation

a leave of absence



Job group responsibilities for workstations

handled learner types

The majority of allowances are paid each month, however some are not.

types of stipends funded by TSC
1. Reimbursable Compensation

These allowances come in two varieties, namely:  Automatic who were compensated at application

Automatic allowances include:

Medical benefits – these are not given to teachers directly; instead, they are transmitted to the healthcare provider AoN Minet and the NHIF.
dwelling allowance
Hardship compensation
commuter compensation
a leave of absence


Hardship Allowance


Secondly, teachers working in area with insecurity, harsh climatic conditions and high risk are paid the hardship allowances

House Allowance


Firstly, this is paid monthly to all Kenyan teachers using the criteria of your work station and your job grade/group

Commuter Allowance


This allowance solely depends on the teacher’s job group and its paid every month alongside the monthly salary.


Leave Allowance


This allowance is paid at the beginning of every year in January together with the January salary.

Released Allowances



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