New Proposal To Have Students Sit For Exams Before Joining University Now Likely To Send Students Into Panic.
A proposal by examination expert’s regarding entry into Universities has been received well by members of parliament who are now considering adopting it to curb cheating in the Kenya Certificate of Secondary Education.The proposal is that student’s who sat for the KCSE and got the cut off point will be required to sit for an entry exam for them to be accepted into a course in the university. It will be like double testing. So it means, a student who wants to do medicine will have their tests in the subject’s around that field, talk of biology, Chemistry. It id viewed that if they did the exams honestly, then it should not be so hard to pasd this type of exam’s. But then, it would be a different thing if the student cheated in highschool because they would not be able to pass, and that’s how weak students will be sieved from the posh course’s.
A number of time’s, some good average student’s have missed out on good courses because a large number of student’s applied for the courses they intended for with better grade’s. For example, an A student goes for medicine while a B student who could have done it misses out. As time goes by, the A student drops out and opts for an easier course. The whole time, they had been beneficiaries of malpractice during exam’s. (Note: Not all cases of student’s dropping out for easier courses is as a result of this.
The committee argues that some students are picked for courses that they are not adequately prepared to take.With the proposal being looked into by the education committee, it means that in the event it is adopted then all student’s who sat the 2022 KCSE will have to sit for an exam before they get into the Universities. The placement by KUCCPS has not happened yet because of several other factor’s, including the proposal to stop placing government sponsored student’s in private Universities.
Via Star e-news