KNEC Makes Modification For Teachers Exams
On Thursday, November 24, the Kenya National Examinations Council (KNEC) announced modifications to teacher examinations throughout 2023.
The council disclosed in a statement that the changes impacted seven teacher education examinations, including Upgrade Diploma in Primary Teacher Education (UDPTE), Upgrade Diploma in Early Childhood Teacher Education (UDECTE), and Certificate in Primary Teacher Education (PTE) for candidates referred in prior years.
Other tests include the Teacher Certificate for Adult Education (TCAE), the Diploma in Teacher Education (DTE), the Diploma in Special Needs Education (SNE), and the Diploma and Certificate in Early Childhood Development Education (ECDE) for repeat candidates only.
All candidates who were previously referred in ECDE (Certificate and Diploma level), PTE, TCAE, DTE, and SNE examinations are eligible to register for the referred subject(s) during the registration period for the 2023 Teacher Education examinations, according to the directive.
In March and April 2023, candidates who were referred to the now-defunct Primary Teacher Education (PTE) examination will be permitted to retake the referred papers for the final time.
The examinations council announced its intention to discontinue the examination.
In March and April 2025, candidates who were previously referred in ECDE examinations (Certificate and Diploma Level), which have since been phased out, will be permitted to retake for the final time.
Teachers were instructed to upload DTE and SNE examination course grade data between March 6 and March 17, 2023.
Principals of Teacher Training Colleges and Sub-County Adult and Continuing Education Officers were instructed to adhere to all directives when presenting candidates for upcoming examinations.
The calendar was designed to coincide with the Ministry of Education’s 2023 educational calendar.
The first term will begin on January 23, 2023, and continue for 13 weeks until April 21, 2023. The second term was scheduled to begin on May 8, 2023 and end on August 11, 2023, lasting 13 weeks.
The third term will resume on August 28, 2023, and end on November 3, 2023, in preparation for national exams on November 6, 2023.