Home EDUCATION 5 Important Documents That Teachers Should Not Fail To Submit During Handing And Taking Over Exercise.

5 Important Documents That Teachers Should Not Fail To Submit During Handing And Taking Over Exercise.


5 Important Documents That Teachers Should Not Fail To Submit During Handing And Taking Over Exercise.



Handover takeover is the process whereby an individual who leaves certain duties or responsibilities has to let go such duties and responsibilities to another person so that the latter takes over from where the former has left. It occurs when a teacher leave a give position due to various reasons such as promotion, dismissal, taking leave or time off transfer, death or resignation.

If such a transition is not smooth, there can be problems in terms of continuity which may affect performance of an individual. It is thus imperative to properly manage such a process. When a teacher is promoted from one position to another, there is a need to have a proper handover takeover. The teacher who leaves a position should be able to properly hand over his or her previous duties and responsibilities to the new teacher.

The following are the 5 important documents that teachers who are leaving one working station to another should not fail to submit during taking and handing over process.

1.Duly filled TPAD files

2.TPAD manual

3.Schemes of work

4.Records of work.

5.Class registers.

Submission of these documents will help in smoothtransition


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