Home EDUCATION Revised TSC 2022-2025 House Allowances for Teachers per Job Group.

Revised TSC 2022-2025 House Allowances for Teachers per Job Group.


Revised TSC 2022-2025 House Allowances for Teachers per Job Group.

Teachers receive a monthly house allowance from the Teachers Service Commission,(TSC). Only teachers who are working permanently and are eligible for a pension are given this stipend.

However, this stipend is not paid at a fixed amount for teachers. The teacher’s job group and work station are the two factors that determine how much of a house allowance is paid.

The Salaries and Remuneration Commission (SRC) has classed teachers’ workstations in the following ways:

The following areas are included in this list:

  • Nairobi,
  • Former Major Municipalities (Mombasa, Kisumu, Nakuru, Nyeri, Eldoret, Thika, Kisii, Malindi, and Kitale),
  • Other Former Municipalities (Ruiru, Kikuyu, Kitui, Machakos, Mlolongo, Athi River, Vihiga, Wote, Mumias, Bomet, Limuru, Kericho,)

TSC Teachers House Allowance Per Job Group and Region

The improved housing allowances for teachers in various Kenyan areas are listed below.

Nairobi teachers now receive higher housing allowances as a result of rising rents in the city.

However, note that major municipalities strictly refers to those areas within major towns.

Other former municipalities and other locations in Kenya get compensated according to the following table;

Most areas in Kenya, especially rural areas fall under other areas when it comes to TSC house allowances. However, other TSC perks by work category, including commuting allowance and leave allowance do not rely on the region one is teaching..


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